Gaspil - RedeSist´s Glossary

This document aims at presenting a group of general concepts and definitions associated with the analysis and promotion of local productive and innovative arrangements and systems. The concepts developed in the scope of the studies made by RedeSist´s researchers are the base for this Glossary, as well as the contributions from a group of authors that are central to the structuring of a theoretic-conceptual outline for the RedeSist Network. In this way, we seek to advance in the construction of a Glossary of Terms that will enable leveling Sebrae´s technicians understanding about the main terms adopted in the characterization of this format of productive agglomeration. To date, this infortation is available only in Portuguese.


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Main Projects
BRICS - The Brics Project
Mobilizing Knowledge to develop micros and small enterprises LPIS (Local Productive and Innovative Systems) in Brazil. (Sponsorship: Sebrae)
CTPETRO - Technological Trends in the Oil & Gas Industry. (Sponsorship: Finep)
Learning, Capacity Building and Cooperation in SME Local Productive and Innovative Systems: policy implications (Sponsorship:OEA)
SME Local Productive and Innovative Systems: a new strategy for action for the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service - Sebrae (Sponsorship: Sebrae)
Local Productive Arrangements Data Base and Information Systems (Sponsorship: Finep)
Proposition of Policies for the Promotion of Local Productive Systems of Small and Medium Enterprises (Sponsorship: Finep, Sebrae, CNPq)
Local Productive Arrangements and Systems and New Policies for Industrial and Technological Development ( Sponsorship: CNPq, Finep, BNDES, IPEA)
Globalisation and Localised Innovation: The experience of Local Systems in Mercosur countries and Policy Proposals for Science and Technology (Sponsorship: CNPq, OEA, IPEA.)

Our aim has been to address a series of issues including the new requirements and forms of industrial and technological development associated with the Knowledge Era and the role, objectives and tools of industrial and technology policies in this new international context. Particular emphasis is given to the challenges posed to developing countries and regions. Besides elaborating a conceptual and methodological framework, we have conducted empirical research investigating the recent experience of productive arrangements and innovation systems operating in different sectors and regions in Brazil and other Mercosur countries. These have included the analysis of:

  • Their characteristics, relevant actors and institutional set-up;
  • The role of interactions among agents; internal and external relations;
  • Main policy programmes for local arrangements and systems;
  • Their dynamism, innovative activities and learning processes;
  • How the changes of the 1990s - the new macroeconomic environment; increased world competition; the emergence of the ICT paradigm; the acceleration of globalisation; the process of economic liberalisation; and the creation of the Mercosur - have affected them and local productive and innovative capabilities;
  • New demands for innovative development policies, reflecting current transformations.

The transformations inherent to the transition from the Industrial Era to the Knowledge Era reveal the need for developing a new conceptual framework to deepen the understanding of emerging social, technological and economic patterns globally, as well as their far-reaching impacts on competitiveness and on socio-economic development. As an alternative to more traditional emphases on economic sectors and individual firms, we have been developing a conceptual and methodological approach focussing on local productive and innovative systems.


The emphasis on local systems underlines the relevance of understanding:

  • Interactive learning processes,
  • Innovative technical and organisational qualification,
  • Accumulated tacit knowledge and trust, and
  • Geographic, social and cultural proximity as important sources of diversity and competitive advantages.