ussian Federation
outh Africa

The Brics Project

    For the Globelics journey a comparison between the different trajectories and strategies of these countries could provide both analytical and conceptual challenges associated with the use of the systems of innovation framework in environments characterized by turbulence and instability.

    To understand the precise role of these policies in an important part of the Globelics research agenda towards Brics.


  The Brics countries team co-ordinators

 Brasil: Jose Cassiolato and Marina Szapiro
 Russia: Leonid Gohkberg
 India: K.E. Joseph and Sunil Mani
 China: Liu Xielin, Chen Jin and Gao Jian
 South Africa:
Rasigan Maharajh

RedeSist       Instituto de Economia da UFRJ      Finep    CGEE   IDRC


BRICS - Economic and Geopolitical Relevance

    Although BRICS countries went through different trajectories in their process of integration into the globalizing learning economies it is undeniable that in different ways all of them have acquired a more important role in the world power system.

   During the last decades the world experienced significant transformations in geopolitical and economic terms, and in the organization and distribution of production. For several reasons, large developing countries such as Brazil, the Russian Federation (and former USSR), India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) have acquired a most important role in the world economic as producers of goods and services, receivers of capital, or potential consumer markets given their common characteristics of having a part of their large population still not integrated in the market economy.

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