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Conference Programme
3-6 November Rio de Janeiro
Monday 3 November - Auditorium Arino Ramos Ferreira
9h - 10h30min - WELCOME
- Authorities: 30 minutes
- Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Why Globelics?
- Jose Cassiolato, Globelics: a Southern perspective
10h30min - Coffee Break
11h - 13h - Plenary Opening Session
- Message from Chris Freeman: What role for innovation in social
and economic development?
- Richard Nelson: Economic catch-up. Institutions and national
innovation systems
- Lars Mjøset: Innovation systems and Interactionist Social Theory
- Luciano Coutinho: Innovation, nation states and development
Discussant: Giovanni
DosiModerator: Shulin Gu
13h - Lunch
14h-16h - Plenary Session 1: The challenges of the third millennium
- Luc Soete, No exit: a voice for Globelics? Reflections on research
on global governance
- João Caraça, The transformations of technology by science:
implications and interrogations
- Frieder Meyer-Krahmer and Rainer Walz, Innovation and sustainability
in economic development
Discussant: Martin Fransman
Moderator: Adilson de Oliveira
16h - Coffee Break
16h30min-18h30min Plenary Session 2: The role of government and policy
- José Luiz Fiori, National states, economies, empires and globalisation
- Carlota Perez, Rethinking globalization after the collapse
of the financial bubble
- Erik Reinert, Modern nation-states in a historical perspective
- is there a role for the national developmental state?
Discussant: Björn
JohnsonModerator: Jan Fagerberg
Tuesday 4 November
9h - 10h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Plenary Session 3: National innovation systems and development
- Björn Johnson, Charles Edquist and Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Economic
Development and National System of innovation Approach
- Rodrigo Arocena and Judith Sutz, Understanding underdevelopment
today: new perspectives on NSI
- Helena Lastres, National systems of innovation and development
Discussant: Olman
SeguraModerator: Tania Bacelar
10h30min - Coffee Break
11h - 12h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Theme G: Measuring knowledge and other intangibles
- Danielle Archibugi and Alberto Coco, A new indicator of technological
capabilities for developed and developing countries
- Gustavo Lugones and Fernando Peirano, The innovation surveys
in Latin America: results and methodological novelties
- Manuel Godinho, S. Mendonça and T. Pereira, Mapping innovation
systems: a framework based on innovation surveys data
Discussant: Jan Fagerberg
Moderator: Mariana Rebouças
11h - 12h30min - Room 7
Theme A: The challenges of the third millennium
- Birgitte Andersen, Intellectual property right or intellectual
monopoly privilege: which one should patent analyses focus on?
- Olmann Segura and Birgitte Gregersen, A learning and innovation
capability approach to social and ecological sustainability
- Peter Gammeltoft, Globalisation and Regulation in the Information
Discussant: Andrew Tylecote
Moderator: Paulo Alvim
11h - 12h30min - Room 13
Theme C: The transformation of innovation systems:
- Pekka Ylæ Antilla and Tarmo Lemola, Transformation of innovation
system in a small country - elements of success in Finland
- Arlindo Villaschi, The 1990s - a lost decade for the Brazilian
- Pun-arj Chairatana and Bach Tan Sihn, Strategising ASEAN agro-innovation
system: the case of Thailand and Vietnam
Discussant: Mammo
MuchieModerator: Abdelkader Djeflat
11h - 12h30min - Room 14
RedeSist Presentation
12h30min - Lunch
14h - 16h - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Theme E: Building development on a base of local and regional innovation
- Guisheng WU, Jun TU and Shulin GU, Innovation system and transformation
of the agricultural sector in China, with the case of Shouguang
- Roberto Bisang, Diffusion process in networks: the case of
transgenic soybean in Argentina
- Nilson de Paula and Victor Pelaez, Competence building on technology
regulation: the Monsanto's experience on GMOs
Discussant and Moderator: Judith Sutz
14h - 16h - Room 7
Theme D: Investment and innovation systems
- Andrew Tylecote, Finance and corporate governance in the Chinese
national system of innovation: macro and micro, national and international
- Yun-Chung Chen, Dancing with the wolves: localization of multinational
corporations' R&D centers in Shangai
- Cristina Lemos, Ana Arroio and Helena Lastres, The Brazilian
experience in support of small firms: promoting local productive
Discussant: Morris Teubal
Moderator: Rosalba Casas
14h - 16h - Room 13
Theme C: The transformation of innovation systems:
- Carlo Pietrobelli and Sanjaya Lall, National technology systems
in developing African countries: the nature and deficiencies of
technological effort
- Angathevar Baskraran and Mammo Muchie, Indian national system
of innovation and globalisation: some lessons for African national
system of innovation
- Renato Campos and Marco Vargas, Forms of governance, learning
mechanisms and localized innovation: a comparative analysis in local
productive systems in Brazil
Discussant: Paulo
TigreModerator: Marilene Carvalho
14h - 16h - Room 14
IBGE Presentation
Wednesday 5 November 9h-10h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Theme F: Social capital and competence building in the learning society
- Rosalba Casas, Networks and interactive learning between firms
and academic institutions: social capital for local development
- Abdelkader Djeflat, Local innovations systems, learning institutions
and social capital in low knowledge-based economy: the case of Maghreb
- Rodrigo Arocena and Judith Sutz, Learning divides, social capital
and the roles of universities
Discussant: Manuel Heitor
Moderator: Vinicius Lages
9h - 10h30min - Room 7
Theme B: National innovation systems and development
- Eduardo Viotti, Technological learning systems, competitiveness
and development
- Daniel Chudnovsky and Andrés Lopez, Structural reforms and
innovation activities: the case of Argentina
- Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque, Immature national systems of
innovation: introducing a comparison between Brazil, Mexico, India
and South Africa
Discussant: Danielle Archibugi
Moderator: Gabriela Dutrenit
9h - 10h30min - Room 13
Theme C: The transformation of innovation systems
- Patarapong Intarakumnerd and Pun-arj Chairatana, Shifting S&T
policy paradigm: an experience of an RTO in Thailand
- Roberto Mazzoleni, The role of universities and public research
in the catching-up process
Discussant: Pekka Ylæ Antilla
Moderator: Ana Célia Castro
9h - 10h30min - Room 14
IBGE Presentation
10h30min - Coffee Break
11h - 12h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Theme H: Innovation systems and frontier technologies
- Martin Fransman, Knowledge and sectoral innovation systems:
the mobile communications industry evolved largely by getting things
- Gabriel Yoguel, Marta Novick, Dario Milesi, Sonia Roitter and
José Borello, Knowledge and information. The diffusion of ICT
in the Argentinean manufacturing industry
- Marina Szapiro and José Cassiolato, The telecom innovation
system in Brazil: development and recent challenges
Discussant: Birgitte Andersen
Moderator: Clélia Piragibe
11h - 12h30min - Room 7
Theme D: Investment and innovation systems
- Anthony D. Heher, Return on investment in innovation: implications
for institutions and national agencies
- Jorge Niosi, Regional systems of innovation as evolving complex
- Maria Graça Derengowski Fonseca, Institutional and financial
requirements for the emergence of biotechnology in Brazil
Discussant: Peter Gammeltoft
Moderator: Alexandre Vera Cruz
11h - 12h30min - Room 13
Theme E: Building development on a base of local and regional innovation
- Gabriela Dutrenit and Alexandre Vera Cruz, Clustering SME with
maquilas in a local context: benefiting from knowledge spillover
- Santiago Roca, Immisering innovation and structural change:
a hypotheses for the Mexican manufacturing sector
- Mauro Borges Lemos, Automotive MNCs location strategies in
LDCs and articulation with national systems of innovation
Discussant: Gustavo Lugones
Moderator: Charles Edquist
11h - 12h30min - Room 14
RedeSist Presentation
12h30min - Lunch
14h - 16h - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Theme D: Investment and innovation systems
- Gil Avnimelech and Morris Teubal, Government promotion of learning
and innovation in SMEs of industrializing economies: subsidies,
venture capital and private equity
- Daniel Chudnovsky and Andrés Lopez, Foreign direct investment
and national innovation system: a case study of Argentina in the
- Luiz Martins Melo, , financing and local systems of production
Discussant: Rishikesha
KrishnanModerator: Björn Johnson
14h - 16h - Room 7
Theme B: National innovation systems and development
- Jan Fagerberg and Bart Verspagen, Innovation, growth and economic
- João Lizardo Araújo and Adilson de Oliveira, Brazilian Electricity
Supply Industry: a new technological trajectory?
- Gabriel Porcile, M. Dutra and A. Meirelles, Real wages, technology
and economic growth
Discussant: Leonik Gokhberg
Moderator: Rodrigo Arocena
14h - 16h - Room 13
Theme G: Measuring knowledge and other intangibles
- Facundo Albornoz, Dario Milesi and Gabriel Yoguel,Production
networks in old sectors: methodology and evidence from Argentina
- Ana Lúcia Tatsch, Rodolfo Torres and Sérgio Almeida, Learning
and cooperation for innovation at local level: conceptual aspects
and indicators of RedeSist
- Jorge Britto, Luisa La Chroix, Márcia Rapini and Anthony Santiago,
Measuring knowledge flows in Brazilian productive arrangements
Discussant: Manuel Godinho
Moderator: João Saboia
14h - 16h - Room 14
IBGE Presentation 16h - Coffee Break
16h30min - 18h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Round table: Organising the research on innovation and competence building
at the global level
- Birgitte Andersen
- Mammo Muchie
- Judith Sutz
- Martin Fransman
- Helena Lastres
Moderator: Richard Nelson
Thrusday 6 November
9h - 10h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Plenary Session 4: Building development on a base of regional innovation
- Stan Metcalfe, Economic development and the competitive process
- Manuel Heitor, Richard Nunes and Pedro Conceição, Technological
change and the challenges for regional development, building social
capital in less favoured regions
Discussant: Shulin Gu
Moderator: Carlos Gadelha
10h30min - Coffee Break
11h - 12h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Plenary Session 5: The transformation of major innovation systems
- Shulin Gu, Transformation and recombination learning in the
NIS of China
- Rishikesha Krishnan, The evolution of a developing country
innovation system during economic liberalization: the case of India
- Leonid Gokhberg, Russia: a new innovation system for the new
- José Cassiolato, The Brazilian innovation system: old questions,
new illusions, real challenges
Discussant: Richard Nelson
Moderator: Luc Soete
12h30min - 13h30min - Room Reginaldo Treiger
Closing session: Next steps in building Globelics
- Bengt-Åke Lundvall
- Jose Cassiolato Guisheng Wu
- Manuel Godinho
- Luc Soete
