10:00h/12:30h | Session 3 - The Future of the Brazilian Development: The Macroeconomic Dimension Chair: Gerson Gomes (CGEE) Speakers: Diogo Coutinho (USP), Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça (Unicamp), Antonio Corrêa de Lacerda (PUC-SP), Vanessa Petrelli Corrêa (UFU) Discussants: Júlio Sérgio G. de Almeida (IEDI), Niemeyer Almeida Filho (UFU) |
12:30h/13:30h | Lunch |
13:30h/16:00h | Session 4 - The Future of the Brazilian Development: Production and Innovation Chair: Carlos Gadelha (MDIC) Speakers: David Kupfer (UFRJ), Fernando Sarti (Unicamp)/ Célio Hiratuka (Unicamp) Discussants: Claudio Leal (BNDES), Marina Szapiro (UFRJ), Luiz Martins (Finep) |
16:00h/16:15h | Coffee |
16:15h/18:30h | Session 5 - The Future of the Brazilian Development: The Territory Chair: Lúcia Falcón (INCRA) Speakers: Tânia Bacelar (UFPE), Sérgio Castro (PUC-GO), Francisco Costa (UFPA), Clemente Ganz (DIEESE) Discussants: Helena Tenório Veiga de Almeida (BNDES), Jair do Amaral (UFC) |