

The major outputs expected with RISSI Project are the following:

  • Building upon BRICS Project results, now focusing on innovation systems for social inclusion
  • Enhancing capacity building and training on innovation systems and inclusive development among PhD students, Globelics researchers and policy makers.
  • Consolidating a methodological framework to analyze socially inclusive innovation systems in BASIC+ countries.
  • Expanding BRICS research network
  • Developing case studies on innovation system and inclusive development in BASIC+ countries
  • Organizing innovation panels bringing together local actors that took part of the case studies in order to present the main findings of the research and discuss policy recommendations.
  • Promoting the exchange of experiences, interaction and debates between academic area (researchers, professors, PhD students) and policy-makers interested in innovation and development trough two international seminars.

Dissemination of project activities and results are planned to happen through the following events and initiatives: 

  •  LIPS Seminar in South Africa gathering researchers and policy makers, in Pretoria April 2012;
  • Globelics Academy Seminar,  joining PHD students, researchers and policy makers, in Rio August 2012;
  • Final International RISSI Seminar aiming to disseminate main project findings and recommendations, place to be defined January 2013;
  • National innovation panels to take place in Brazil, South Africa, India, China and Uruguay. These panels will bring together the main actors involved in the case studies in order to discuss research findings and recommendations. February, 2013.  
  • Submission of at least two articles to international journals
  • Criate a webpage http://brics.redesist.ie.ufrj.br/rissi with project reports, events and other relevant information on innovation for inclusive development.